Loved First Services

Executive Summary

“Loved First”, coming from 1 John 4:19 which says; We love because He first loved us. This means that, we are not to take credit or boast about the love we have, give and show to others. God loved us, before we were capable of loving Him, and we can only love others because of what He has done in our lives.

Loved First is a Christian based ministry hoping and wishing to provide academic, spiritual and emotional assistance to children struggling with terrible poverty in Uganda. The ministry is looking for support in any kind or form for building a private school. It is our hope that you become a close partner with us as we embark on this life changing noble journey. We aim to support under privileged children in Uganda who lack financial resources to receive a proper education. The ministry further intends to provide the children with resources they need to grow spiritually and grow in a healthy learning environment.


“Loved First” ministry has a dream of building a primary boarding school in Uganda. For the last 3 years, having lived in the United States, this idea has been laid to my heart constantly and the more I’ve tried to ignore and look at it as a huge undertaking and not for me to carry on, the more it keeps coming so here I am, taking the leap of faith, taking the first step and leaving the rest to God.

I grew up in Uganda, in the suburbs of Kampala, I know what it means to go without, to try to make ends meet and its not a fun life especially for a child. Many children want to go to school, they want to attain an education, families wish to better themselves through educating their children and that comes at a high cost that the majority of them can’t afford. With help and support, we can buy a piece of land, build a school that can accommodate as many children as the facility can handle. It’s a dream of this ministry to put up a project that will contribute to the spiritual, emotional and academic growth to these young souls and bring up a positive change among the members of the communities

This school will be a place of comfort to the less fortunate children, and the surrounding communities. It will be a place where children stay for the entire school terms (3 to 3 and half months), provided with a good shelter, good clothing, a well balanced diet, good medical care, good teachers that will support them academically, emotionally and spiritually.

The Founder Addressing the Uganda Volunteers team